
Archive for June, 2008

C’est la vie….!

Ah, well ! the doctor said, peering at him blankly ” there it is ” as your french friend might have said ” c’est la vie “.
la vie ! mohamed roared, now on the gravel beyond the porch, indifferent to the rain peltering on his bare hand ‘ that trolop’ ? he’s one who always bitches up everything, no, friend ! for me there is only one fountain of truth, one beauty, one perfection, art, friend ! art ! and bugger la ve !.
At the untimely verb the doctor’s drooping eyelids shot wide open.
” it is a vew “, he said courteously and let his hand be skaken fervently a dozen times

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Par un certain sens de l’étérnité ou de retour cyclique des choses qui fait passer le temps de l’horloge s’éfface il n’ya pas de notation temporelle des nouvelles dans certaines oeuvres, faut-il les considerer comme continuelles dans le temps ?
De toute maniére, les infleunces proprement littéraires si elles sont toujours difficles à définir, le sont d’ailleurs particuliérement et les critiques semblent ne pas être trés bavards sur ce sujet ou ce domaine. il faut admirer les pratiques dans les textes d’actions, l’objectivité béhaviouriste, le goût du detail réaliste la briévete du recit et le détérminisme naturalistes on pouvait continuer…on peut même aller jusqu’à affirmer la maniére particuliére si modérne en ce qu’elle tend souvent vers la vignette, voire vers l’oeuvre lyrique plutôt que le recit à suspense ou l’incident organisé, est le fruit de souvenirs trés anciens.
ce n’est pas là qu’on sombre pour autant dans l’heresie biographique et se demander à qui il faut conferer la palme ?
certains savent aussi bien que personne quelle dichotomie peut existe entre les auteurs et leur oeuvre, et que celle-ci n’est pas nécéssairement fonction de ceux-la, mais tout dépend justement des auteurs, il n’y a pas report autobiographique à proprement parler mais l’infleunce thématique de la pérsonnalité qui influe l’oeuvre.
Bien sûr, cela ne suffit pas, il faut encore que l’éxpérience individuelle d’un écrivain, miroir de l’éxpréssion générale soit concrétiseé, incarnée dans une structure, dans un texte qui touche, par un biais ou un autre à la perfection artistique.

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Never was there a nation officially irréligious, the old religion is completly dead, it is already in state of utter decomposition, the majority of people do not want to hear any more about this corpse and hold their handkerchief in front of their nose when the religion is mentionned.
From the ruins of the old faith sprang up extravagant news religious,  has also a democratic reaction of clerics and laymen, regenerated by the ordeal in true with the new world and dedicated to the total separation of religion and state the lasting reconciliation of religion and freedom.

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Flower to state

Coming in this vein, analysis of romanticism is pepped with terms that demand to be spelt with capital letters, truth, reality, creation the supranatural, the mystery of things, it is the contention of the present article.
As a writer, always dispaly an unability or an unwillingness to convert totally to comprehensive philophies ar systems of belief whether there is a political neutrality, but not in the case of my country, as in the case under discussion, romanticism, and that anyone attenting to do so is quickly brought down to earth, in any elegant introduction to any political “gotha”, indeed flower goes as far as to state, this note of light irony is perhaps the master note of these poem and the chief cause of the fascination, or a poem of beaudelaire for a hash-flower of pseudo-state….!

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The romantics consistently saw the exterior world in general and nature in particular as the gateway to the unknown , to the mysteries of life, it would appear from works such as some writers are loathe to search for a transcendental order in the great unknown, preferring instead to anchor their works in the tangible world.
the poetry of a people who shun abstraction and think in images, whose visual art finds expression not on canvas but in words, the factual, materialistic mind that produced these poems manifest itself above all visaully.
Hence , woman is a visible object discovered and seen throught the narrators eyes , within that description, streams, seed, glass, cristal, dew, stars and candles are evoked in order to depict her eyes, blood, berries, roses, embers and forges are called upon to visual her checks her skin is like lime , foam, lilies , snow, chalk or , when she is dead, like coal , her hair like gold or marigold, she is slim as hound, her breast are white as a calf and shaped like bird’s eggs, she is likened to harps , swans, roses , trees or gain stolen from the narrator’s barn.

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Unlike the romantics, some narrators seem happy to confine themselves for the most part to a presentation of specific themes, woman and love without ever attempting to widen this into a comprehensive philosophy, in an age that prized artistic virtually over artistic originally, innovation is understandably not the object of their exercice in their detailed presentation of the nature of love, they are content to embroider of the age old topoi of ” love as pain/illness/death, thus among the main symtoms of their illness called ” love ” are insomnia, lack of energy, lithargy and mental confusion.
the narrator’s tears and frenzied cries of distress and pain are uncontollable, they starts to waste away, only God and people or at the very teast the intervention of the beloved, could stave of the madness or death, very frequently in these poems, the lover does in fact die.
However, not all narrators condone such posturing : flower’s note of light irony, permeates the anthology.

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Birth of nation

In order to combat the decline of our culture the romantic movent was at the origin of the idea of the regeneration of the civilisations, to what extent did the political and cultural nationalists.
romantic nationalism was produced duiring the last centuries and contributed in different countries to the creation of an homogenous culture which was a political necessity for the achievement of independence, romantic nationalism was not the awakener of a sleeping nation, but the way the new nation come to birth.

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Norm of society

The impossibility of ever coming to any agreement with one particular woman is likened to love story a man spurned in love laments each do buaileads the conceptualising inherent in movement such as romanticism is strikinggly absent here, these poems are full of castles.
unlike love poetry else where which favours abstraction and symbolism, here we have a supremaly materialistic, visual, immediate poetry, built around visible objects, rich in images, tangile and highly-flavoured.
what explain this reluctance to conceptualise and to lose oneself totally in concepts elaborated elswhere ? in an elegantly argued expostion of the country mind, the philosopher, suggests that the problem is not that the country mind refuses to conceptualise, rather is its method of conceptualisation radically different from some civilisation one that is now seen as the norm in one society.

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In spite of his international fame among the romantics of his day, of his contributions to a better knowledge of the country aboard and his involvement in the politics of his country, the writer is still considered as a rather embarrassing figure by a majority of the literary world, this seems due to his refusal to put up with the restraints of his time, the philosopher never accepted the restrictions traditionally imposed on the society, he refused to adopt clearly defined religious positions and his political tenets were always non sectarian the permanence of hostile reactions to his works based rather on moral than on literary grounds seems to indicates that the criteria which caused numerous attacks to be lanched against him in last century are still in value in some countries to day, although he does not depart from his usual lucidity and realism he enriched the mystical caracter with some of the mean feelings and longings set off by romanticism

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Dans les scénes mythiques, l’héro ou l’héroine recrées par un écrivain et non par ceux tels qu’ils apparaissent dans les traductions des récits anciens qui fûrent d’eux des figures de proue de la renaissance, passionnement amoureux et pourtant cruels, fatales, néamoins troublants par leur fragilité, paradoxalement libre à l’interieur des frontiéres infranchissables fixées par la prophétie nostalgiques puis épérdues et enfin résignée mais triomphante, nous semble représenter une forme de romantisme absolu.
Absolu est ici envisagé selon deux de ses accéptations, au sens d’achevé total ideal, aussi parfait qu’on peut l’imaginer, bien que cette signification doive-être nuancée cae il est évident que la définition d’un romantisme ideal, si tant qu’il existe ou ait éxister, n’est pas dans nos compétences, absolu aussi et surtout, au sens d’autres éxigeant, voire intransigeants, rebelle aux concessions, hostile, aux compromissions, poussée jusquaux limites d’elle même par un desir d’absolu que nous tenterons de cerner.
L’utilisation d’un tel concept invite donc immediatement à quelques bprécisions, on n’envisage pas que le personnage cristallise les caractéristiques du romantisme, d’autre-part on tente seulement de montrer que les émotions, les motivations, les actions des personnages semblent conformes à certaines tendances qui depuis plusieurs siecles aprés l’éssor du mouvement engagé sont généralement associés au térme romantique, image familliére dans la psyché colléctive.

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